Reading Time: 2 minutes

Have you ever read a fascinating article and then forgotten all about it? It might take a couple of days or even a couple of hours, but it happens all the time. 

There is one person, however, whose words we should try not to forget, and that’s Jesus. But we all make mistakes and at times we forget his words, or at least some of them. We paraphrase. We skip parts. Think about Matthew 25:35-36: 

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.

This verse is part of M2W2’s mission statement, and it sums up how we should act as Christians. If you see people who need food, feed them. If you see someone who needs shelter or medical care, help them. But we often forget about the last part: “I was in prison and you came to visit me.” It’s probably the hardest one to remember. 

But why? 

The reason might be this: It’s easier to help those who we think deserve it. 

It’s in our nature to want to decide who deserves help. But that’s not what Jesus calls us to do. Matthew 25 doesn’t say feed the hungry if they work hard. Clothe the people if they have earned it. Give shelter to those who have made good choices. 

What if God gave us what we deserve? Thankfully, he offers us forgiveness instead. 

At M2W2, the people we work with are not lost causes. But a lot of the time, they are treated as such. This month, I encourage you to think about how God calls us to act. Together, let’s remember the words of Jesus and make sure there is always room at the table for everyone. 

Download our November prayer calendar here.