Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dear Friends:

We’re often busy this time of year. Whether we are preparing for Christmas or wrapping up the year at work, so many details call for our attention.

Here at M2W2, we are continuing our efforts to build programs and find new ways to serve people affected by incarceration. Because of you, and your ongoing support through prayer, donations, and volunteering, our efforts are possible and effective. Thank you!

I am so grateful that you believe in our work. When I step back from the day-to-day details, I see how you are a part of a greater purpose. We all are. That purpose is caring for people. Hearing stories of resilience and change makes it all worthwhile. 

I’ve included a few excerpts from these stories. I hope reading them brings you much encouragement.

M2W2 brought me my friend, mentor, helper, cheerleader, and coach. She changed my life. She helped me live.

Prison Mentorship Participant

NOLA was my avenue to get rent subsidy, find a place to rent, and receive donations of furniture and clothing. Volunteers helped drive me to appointments and look for employment. I wanted to change and the amazing people at M2W2 made it possible.

NOLA Participant

Being incarcerated has a big effect on your mental health. You have to deal with stress from both inside and outside. Then you have this one person who comes just to see you and it’s like a light at the end of the tunnel.

Prison Mentorship Participant

Thank you for being a part of these stories and many more like them. You are answering God’s call in Matthew 25. You are sharing hope and companionship with people in prison.

This year, I invite you to give to M2W2 and bring someone the gift of a second chance. Help us reach more people in 2023 and beyond. With your support, so much is possible. I can’t wait to share more stories with you. 

Merry Christmas,

Raymond Robyn,
Executive Director, M2W2