Reading Time: 2 minutes

Back in February, we published a story about the enduring relationship between a mentor and his match. What stood out was the way the volunteer mentor, George, helped his match, Glenn, by showing up, listening, and offering timely encouragement. 

Glenn said, “I was feeling guilt and shame… Having someone come in and talk to me really helped.” 

Mentoring someone in prison isn’t about being a professional counsellor or theologian. Sure, training and experience can certainly help, but you don’t need to have all the answers to be an effective mentor. 

Instead, it’s about showing up. You can make an incredible difference by being there to listen and encourage. Especially for those who have no one else. 

In the Psalms, David praises God for both his goodness and greatness. 

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, 
is God in his holy dwelling.

God sets the lonely in families, 
he leads out the prisoners with singing; 
but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land. 

Psalm 68:5-6

Part of what makes God great is his capacity to meet our needs. He is able to defend us and set us free. He can be a father to the fatherless. He can bring people together, people who would be otherwise alone. He has this ability. 

Thankfully, God is not only great. He is also good. And he expresses his goodness by choosing to care for us, by reaching out and connecting, helping us find unity — with him and each other. 

Right now almost 50 people in prison are waiting to be matched with a mentor. Help us bring God’s goodness to folks who are alone, imprisoned, and cut off from the outside world. With your help we know we can answer the call of Matthew 25.

If you’ve ever thought about volunteering but weren’t sure what to expect, book a chat with Raymond, our Executive Director. He will walk you through the volunteer experience and answer your questions. 

Click here to book a chat with Raymond. 

In the meantime, check out our monthly prayer calendar. We appreciate all of your support – in prayer, volunteering, giving, and so much more. It is so good to serve God alongside you.